- They're a 100% natural.
- The costs of purchasing them is peanuts. It will save you tuns on household expances.
- Environmentally a good choice. No danger or long term threats.
- Easy to use.
- No harm for childern, or others with sensitive skin.
There are many websites in all languages on the benefits and where you can purchase them. Type in 'soap nuts' on your search engine, or whatever it's called on your side of the world.
In the Netherlands you can go to your local Eco and organic shops.
We do mean to take over the planet with a soap nut revolution!
Couple of tips:
- The cotton bag can be hard to open when wet. Instead get those zip bags which you use to wash your sensitives; there are small ones out there.
- If you buy through the net you can buy in bulk, making the price even lower.
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